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Language Software, Student

Can You Learn a New Language Online? (Read This First!)

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By Lorea Lastiri

can you learn a new language online

Can you learn a new language online? Are language learning apps a good tool for learning a language?

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to learn a new language online. You can find resources for learning just about any language online thanks to language learning apps like Rosetta Stone and others, but it’s important to remember that not all language-learning resources are created equal.

As you explore different ways of learning a new language online, keep in mind your goals for learning the language.

Do you want to be able to have basic conversations in the language?

Do you want to be able to read and write in the language?

Do you want to learn a new language for work purposes?

Your goals will help you determine which language-learning resources are right for you.

In this article, we will discuss how fast you can learn a new language online, the pros and cons of learning a new language online, and which is better between learning a new language in person and online.

Read on for the in-depth answers to the question, “Can you learn a new language online?”

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Is it Effective to Learn a New Language Online?

Many people are learning a new language online. While some people are more successful than others, it is definitely possible to learn a new language online and be effective at it.

The internet has made it possible for aspiring language learners to get all of the resources and support they need to master a new language from the comfort of their homes.

There are multiple resources to choose from, including online courses, websites, and mobile apps that offer lessons and activities tailored to your specific learning needs.

Online courses involve learning grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. You will usually have assignments to complete and practice tests to take. These courses can be self-paced or have deadlines that you need to meet.

Lessons are often more focused on one specific aspect of the language. For example, you might find a verb conjugation or vocabulary-building lesson.

Activities are often designed to help you practice what you have learned. For example, you might find an activity that involves listening to a conversation and identifying the different parts of speech.

Apps like Rosetta Stone bring together a combination of all of the above with self-paced lessons and interactive activities to help you learn a language.

You can also find many free resources to help you learn a new language online. Websites, blogs, and forums are dedicated to helping people learn new languages.


How Fast Can You Learn a New Language Online?

Everybody wants to know how long it takes to learn a language. The time you will take to learn a new language online depends on many factors. These include how often you use the resources, how much time you dedicate to learning, your previous knowledge of the language, how easy the particular language is to learn, and your learning style.

Motivated language learners who also receive some guidance and use the right methods can learn a new language (intermediate fluency) in as little as three months, but generally speaking, it can take between three months to two years to become fluent in writing, reading, and speaking a new language.

Let’s take a closer look at the factors that influence how long it takes to learn your target language.

The time you dedicate to learning

If you dedicate more time to learning, you will progress faster. If you dedicate too much time, you might get burnt out and not want to continue. If you do not devote enough time, you will not make enough progress.

The best way to find a balance is to set aside a specific amount of time each day or week to focus on learning the target language. You can also break up your time so that you are studying for a few minutes at a time throughout the day.


How often you use the resources

It is also important to know how often you use the resources. If you only use the resources once in a while, you will not make as much progress as someone who is using the resources every day.

Try to find a balance between using too many resources and not enough. If you use the resources too much, you might get overwhelmed and not want to continue. If you do not use the resources enough, you will not make enough progress.

Resources are most effective when used regularly but not too often. You can use them every day or a few times a week.


Your previous knowledge of the language

If you already know some of the language, you will progress faster. This is because you will already have a foundation to build on.

If you do not know any of the target language, you will still be able to learn it, but it will take longer.

Improving your previous knowledge of the language is easier if you already know some of it. You can do this by taking an online course, attending a class, or practicing with a tutor.


Your learning style

Everyone learns differently. Some people learn best by listening to audio recordings, others learn best by reading texts, and others learn best by doing activities.

The best way to find out which learning style works best for you is to try different methods and see which one you are most successful with.

You can also try a combination of different methods to learn the language.

For example, you could listen to audio recordings and read texts simultaneously. Or you could listen to audio recordings and do activities.


Language difficulty

Some languages are more difficult to learn than others. For example, languages with many grammar rules or a different alphabet can be more difficult.

The best way to find out how difficult a language is to learn is to ask someone already familiar with it.

You can research it online if you can’t find someone who knows the language. There are websites that rate the difficulty of languages.


The Pros and Cons of Learning a Language Online

Online language learning has long been a controversial topic. Some people swear by it, while others say it’s not effective. In this section, we will look at the pros and cons of learning a language online.



The pros of learning a foreign language online are:

It is accessible and affordable

While some foreign language learning resources can be expensive, many are affordable or even free. The internet has enabled anyone to access language-learning resources from anywhere in the world.

The affordability and accessibility of online resources make them a good option for people who want to learn a language but don’t have the time or money to attend a class. Internet resources have enabled people in remote areas to access language-learning materials.

It is flexible and convenient

You can study at any time and from anywhere. You can access many resources from your mobile phone or tablet. This means you can study while commuting, on lunch break, or even in bed.

The flexibility of online learning is a great advantage for people with busy schedules. It is also convenient for people who live in remote areas and don’t have easy access to language classes.

There is a wide range of resources available

The internet is full of language-learning resources. You can find resources for any level, from beginner to advanced. There are also different resources, including audio and video materials, texts, games, and activities.

With many resources available, you can tailor your learning to your needs and interests. You can also find materials that are specifically designed for your level.

You can learn at your own pace

In a traditional language class, everyone has to progress at the same pace. This can be frustrating for people who want to learn faster or slower than the rest of the class.

With online resources, you can set your own pace and progress at a comfortable speed. You can also go back and review materials as often as you need to.

It is motivating and fun

Many online resources are designed to be motivating and enjoyable. They use games, activities, and other interactive materials to keep you engaged in your learning.

Some people find traditional foreign language classes to be boring. Online resources can make learning more enjoyable.



The cons of learning a language online are:

It can be difficult to stay motivated

When you are learning independently, getting distracted or losing motivation can be easy. Finding resources that you enjoy and that keep you engaged in your learning is important.

It can be hard to stay on track

It can be challenging to keep track of your progress when you are learning online. Without a teacher or classmates, it can be easy to lose focus and stray from your goals. However, most online resources to learn languages offer students tools to manage and track their progress.

You may not get enough speaking practice

One of the best ways to learn a language is to practice speaking it. When you are learning online, you may not have many opportunities to speak the language.

This can be a problem if you want to learn how to speak the language fluently. You may need to supplement your online learning with other activities, such as talking with a native speaker or attending a language class.

That said, some language learning apps do have interactive features that let you practice speaking the language while getting feedback.

It can be isolating

Learning online can be a lonely experience. You may not have anyone to ask for help or practice speaking with.

This can be a problem if you want to learn a language to interact with people in real life. You may need to supplement your online learning with other activities, such as attending a language class or joining a club for speakers of the language.


Is it better to learn a language online or in person?

There are pros and cons to both learning a language online and in person. It ultimately depends on your needs, goals, and interests.

Learning online may be a good option if you want to learn at your own pace and have a wide range of resources available. The amount of resources online is just endless, and there really are some great courses and apps that can give you everything you need to learn a new language.

However, if you struggle with motivating yourself to pursue your own education or want to interact with people in real life, you may want to learn in person.


A Final Word on Learning a Language Online

Learning a foreign language online has many advantages. It’s flexible and convenient, and many resources are available. It is an effective way to learn a language and can be fun and motivating. However, it can be difficult to stay motivated unless you find resources you like.

Our goal here at My eLearning World is to help you find the best online course websites and language learning software so you can get quality education to gain new language skills from wherever you want.

While there are many lots of great language learning platforms out there, we believe Rosetta Stone is the best with its comprehensive, immersive approach. Rosetta Stone offers a proven methodology and curriculum to learn popular languages like French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and 20+ others.

Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone's tried and true curriculum and user-friendly mobile app makes it easy, exciting, and fun to learn a new language. You'll get full immersion in the language you are learning and gain confidence to express yourself as you practice and progress every step of the way.

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